Un réel pour le XXI sciècle
IXe Congr�s de l'AMP � 14-18 avril 2014 � Paris � Palais des Congr�s � www.wapol.org

Netta Nashilevich

Modern times.
Who are you?
A label? a sticker? a diagnosis? an acronym?
Accessorized, substituted, supplemented, medicated.
They run some tests, list your results.
You run some miles (chip on your shoe, GPS on your wrist…), you get a list of
All is covered, measured, photographed, spell-checked, controlled.
One day, something breaks. A question comes up…


Modern times... what are your tools?
A word? a question mark? a Cough?
Punctuation –
Broken clock, maybe? A misunderstanding?
Ancient tools…

Nevertheless, with your lamp and your candle, some ropes, some Shackles
You dig, curve, drill and pull, searching for a hole
To be or to 'not be' (the voice of knowledge)
To not have (the answers)
To knot.
Knot a real for a subject in the 21st century.

Netta Nashilevich,
Dor-a, Israel