The Clinical Day of Wenesday,
16 April, 2014
THE PROGRAM of the Clinical Day
The Scientific Committee of this Clinical Day, coordinated by Pierre Naveau
By Wednesday, 8 January 2014, 24:00 Paris time, we have received and recorded 216 texts from colleagues, members of the WAP, and 54 from non-members. This work reached us from all the regions of the WAP.
This number is the mark of the vitality of the WAP and the strong desire to share in its work.
The Scientific Committee of this Clinical Day, coordinated by Pierre Naveau, is working to give an attentive reading to each of your productions.
We will inform you later of the forms that the meetings around your texts at the time of the Congress will take.
Call for Papers
The Clinical Day of the next Congress will take place on Wednesday, 16 April 2014. In eight parallel sessions, the members of the WAP will have the opportunity to present their works.
The presentations must be inscribed within one of the thematic axes that the Scientific Committee has proposed by way of orientation. See below.
A Real for the 21st Century, the title of the Congress, requires that we give ourselves pause before the stakes it contains, and the clinical papers will devote themselves clearly to draw out the consequences for analytic treatment.
This means that we expect from each presenter that s/he will let us hear in what way it is not only the analysands who are of this century, but also how his or her own practice is implicated there.
Papers should, therefore, contain a reflection articulated to the clinic, and may have an orientation that places more emphasis on one or the other point: clinical-theoretical or theoretical-clinical.
We shall work in one-hour long sessions, during which two papers of 15 minutes each will be presented; a chairperson will be responsible for facilitating the discussion that will highlight the acute points of the presentations, as well as for ensuring time keeping; s/he will be accompanied by a discussant, who will have had previous exchanges with both presenters, in order to refine the articulation of the papers, not only with regards to the theme of the session, but also between them; the presenters will also answer questions from the audience.
You are asked to choose one among the main concepts that emerge from the directions provided by Jacques-Alain Miller in his presentation of the theme of the Paris Congress.
Other concepts may be integrated into these axes, such as the question of style, contemporary creation, addictions, solitude, sexuality, societal reconfigurations [violence, fanaticism, homosexual marriage], the body treated by machines [aesthetics, sports, etc.]...
The Scientific Committee of the Clinical Day will be coordinated by Pierre Naveau. The committee is composed by Miquel Bassols, Hélène Bonnaud, Sonia Chiriaco, Philippe de Georges, Leonardo Gorostiza, Pierre-Gilles Guéguen, Victoria Horne-Reinoso, Philippe Hellebois, Sophie Marret-Maleval, Pierre Stréliski, Marcus Andrés Vieira and Alfredo Zenoni.
General recommendations:
An email acknowledging "RECEIPT" of your paper will be sent to you. If you do not receive this confirmation email, please send your paper once again.
To answer the frequent question about the possibility for non members of the WAP to present papers for the Clinical Day, we point out that preference will be given to Members of the WAP, which is logical for this Congress. However, this does not exclude the possibility that excellent papers from non members, that are coherent within a given sequence, be retained.