Un réel pour le XXI sciècle
IXth Congress of the WAP • 14-18 april 2014 • Paris • Palais des Congrès • www.wapol.org

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Bibliography for the Congress AMP 2014 - PDF
Complementary bibliography for the Congress AMP 2014 - PDF


Bibliography on the real
The concept of the real has all along followed the variations in Lacan's teaching. If at the start he made it a category distinct from the imaginary and the symbolic, this distinction became increasingly clearer over the course of time; in this same movement, the real took an increasingly more important place until it oriented his entire last teaching. To accompany the preparation of this congress, "A REAL for the 21st Century", we propose to you a non-exhaustive bibliography, in the French language, and under five headings.

  1. Evolution of the concept of the Real in the teaching of Lacan
  2. The course of J. - A. Miller "the Lacanian Orientation"
  3. Articles by Éric Laurent
  4. The Real in 21st century literature
  5. The real and cinema

Complementary bibliography
The complementary bibliography has emerged from the desire to have an input from the various Schools of the AMP in order to enrich the general bibliography of the Congress, not to fill possible gaps but to try to decomplete it. It is thus multi-lingual, heteroclite, diverse.

There you will find texts, articles, conferences of Jacques-Alain Miller and of Éric Laurent that have not been published in French, others that have been but, sometimes, do not appear in the general bibliography (respecting the choices made by each school, we have allowed so that certain texts return in the two bibliographies).